kids are(n’t) always happy

mia :)
Oct 29, 2020

children should be heard and not seen.

what the hell is that supposed to mean?

i have thoughts,




not everything is as it seems.

kids are supposed to be happy right?

we can’t hurt.

we have too much to be grateful for.

we can’t be angry.

that’s just too disrespectful.

we can’t be sad.

we need to enjoy our youth.

we just can’t be burdens.

on behalf of kids everywhere-

please don’t forget:

we have words to say.

things we feel.

i’m not a toy doll.

i’m actually real.

we grow up one day.

after that nothing’s the same

so please-



assuming we’re ok.

-Mia Roberts



mia :)

Hey! I’m young and dumb posting because I want to express my thoughts on the world. I hope you like my articles. Enjoy :)